The High Power Isuzu 6wg1 Diesel Engine Assembly from China is a high power yet low fuel consumption,complying with the emission regulations Tier 3 in US (EPA) and EU Stage III, can reduce fuel costs by electronic control.With Common Rail Type Fuel Injection System,the electronic control common rail type fuel injection system drives an integrated fuel pump at an ultrahigh pressure to distribute fuel to each injector per cylinder through a common rail. This enables optimum combustion to generate big horsepower, and reduce PM* and fuel consumption.
High Power Isuzu 6wg1 Diesel Engine Assembly from China specification:
SWAFLY provide
2 yeaer warranty for ISUZU genuine new diesel engines.
The 6WG1 engine is a high power yet low fuel consumption,complying with the emission regulations Tier 3 in US (EPA) and EU Stage III, can reduce fuel costs by electronic control.With Common Rail Type Fuel Injection System,the electronic control common rail type fuel injection system drives an integrated fuel pump at an ultrahigh pressure
to distribute fuel to each injector per cylinder through a common rail.
This enables optimum combustion to generate big horsepower, and reduce PM* and fuel consumption.